Ridiculous, Random training programs predicted on rampant use of steroids and multiple drug abuse.

Promotion of overuse of “Cardio” that falsely encourages fat loss

Tons of “Juke Volume” that does not allow for proper recovery

Total lack of instruction on the excellence of exercise performance to promote drug-free growth

Use of overprices, undervalued pre-workout, peri-workout, and “sugar”-ladened protein supplements

Commercial gym equipment “dumbed down” with inefficient movement patterns disguising success

“Trainers” (that are really sales people) with “weekend certifications” and cookie cutter programming again built on drug-predicated base

Total lack of attention paid to program efficiency and maximizing recovery

Lack of intelligent nutritional recommendations with “supplementation” that works

Systems that exist in a vacuum (Crossfit, P9OX, Competitive Bodybuilding, etc.) built on performance enhancing drug use and non-recoverable volume

Length is Strength

In a world filled with partial movement patterns that used consistently will lead to injury. Full Range of Motion under control is an absolute must.

“Blue Collar” Workouts

This is a very simple but powerful thought. In the span of your workout life you will experience the ultimate workout performance. These super highs