My Entry into the Cyber Universe

Many Thanks go out to Brian Elniski[WebWah], Logan Crompton[Facebook] and my very good friend John Merz for my construction and direction in this old but new arena for me. I am Dr. Arthur J. DiAntonio and you can “look up” what I know on my new website[] and as I hope to connect with you I will get comments and  more.  My goal is to bring you science[Empirical and anecdotal] and to make every  effort to debunk the B. S. that has become the Fitness and Medical Industry. I relish being challenged and will give every response it’s just due. We are living in contrary and toxic times and I believe that people need unvarnished honesty. A  well-designed exercise program[No cookie cutter crap] holds the very key to physical and psychological health and longevity. My light is on 24 hours so I am looking forward to you, in person or on-line. There is so much to teach and I hope you are ready to learn. This new world will open many doors and I pray that it will positively effect many. God Bless and Lifetime Drug-free forever! Dr. Art

Length is Strength

In a world filled with partial movement patterns that used consistently will lead to injury. Full Range of Motion under control is an absolute must.

“Blue Collar” Workouts

This is a very simple but powerful thought. In the span of your workout life you will experience the ultimate workout performance. These super highs