“Blue Collar” Workouts

This is a very simple but powerful thought. In the span of your workout life you will experience the ultimate workout performance. These super highs will be very selective and memorable. As amazing as these training “highs” are they will not be the bulk , at all, of your training. The consistent, repeating and somewhat mundane workouts will be the key to performance success. These “Blue Collar” training sessions done with attention to form efficiency and attention to detail will  maximize your future physical success. Pay absolute attention to these very valuable “Day to Day” nuggets and you will experience the overall workout “high”. Train with Purpose-Coach Art

Length is Strength

In a world filled with partial movement patterns that used consistently will lead to injury. Full Range of Motion under control is an absolute must.

The Performance Protocol

There are scads of books, internet and self-professed “gurus” that inhabit the world of training. The concept behind life performance is to “dial in” your